How to use Saved Filters

Why use saved filters (segments)

For those who perform the same filtered items multiple times: we have you covered. You can save your filters to a segment and come back to it later. You can save as many segments as you need and switch between them with just a click. This will save you a lot of time and allows you to actually create reports and different filtered views of your data.


  1. Add (smart) filters to the list table page (e.g. Posts)
  2. Open the Filter Menu by clicking the small arrow icon and then click Save Filters.
  3. Give your saved filters a Name and click Save. Your filters are now stored for later use.
  4. Now you can easily select your Saved Filters at any time, and apply them to the list table.

Make a filtered segment available to all users

As an administrator, you can make a filter segment available to all users. A Public filter can also be used as the default filter for the list table.

  1. Make a Filter Segment available to other users by checking the Make available to all users checkbox when storing your filters.
  2. The Saved Filter Segment will now be available to all users under the Public section.

    Users can both have personal stored filters ánd use the public available filters (that have been added by an administrator). Only administrators can add or remove Public filters.

  3. All users will now be able to apply these Public Filters by selecting them from the Filter Menu.

How to set pre-applied filters

Select the filtered segment that you want as your default from the menu under Preferences > Filter. The next time you visit your list table it will be filtered by your preference.

Only Public saved filters can be used as a default. Make sure you have created at least one saved filter that is Public.

You can assign different pre-applied filters to each Column Set.

Do saved filters also store my sorting preference?

Yes, when storing a saved filter it will also store by which column the table is sorted.

Saved Filters will store the state of your filters, sorted column, post status, and search term.

Supported List Tables

  • Posts
  • Pages
  • Custom Post Types
  • Users
  • Taxonomies
  • Comments
  • Media

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