Admin Columns Pro 6.0 Changes
Integration plugins are no longer required
Integrations for Admin Columns Pro are a big part of our product, supercharging many plugins like ACF, WooCommerce, and Yoast. But making sure that you have the compatible version installed for each integration: Not the greatest experience from time to time. So in version 6, all integrations will ship along with Admin Columns Pro in a single plugin. One plugin to rule them all ;)
When you upgrade to version 6, current integration plugins will simply deactivate themselves and you can safely remove them by clicking click the "Delete" button on the plugins page.
The integration add-on that is now part of Admin Columns Pro 6.0 is the exact same as the integration plugin. You will not loose any settings by removing it.
And don’t worry about disk space or performance: the extra code does not take up a lot of disk space and we only load the integration when the plugin it supports is present. Which is a handy feature by itself, no need to activate that manually.
The minimum PHP version will be bumped to 7.2
Admin Columns 6 will require PHP version 7.2 to run (previously 5.6.20). With PHP 7 getting its last ever security patches in 2022 and only a very small amount of customers running PHP versions below 7.2, we figured this was a good time. We also believe that we can create faster and better code using a more modern version of PHP, which will result in a better experience for you.
WordPress too advocates running a modern version of PHP, so read their take on running a modern version of PHP if you want some more background.
If you want to keep using Admin Columns Pro when version 6 is released, make sure that your website runs PHP version 7.2 or greater. You won’t get any errors if you do not run PHP 7.2 or greater, but Admin Columns Pro 6 will not work and show a message telling you about this issue.