How to use Column Ordering

With the Column Order feature, changing the order of columns on the list table is just a breeze. In combination with Horizontal Scrolling, Sticky Headers, and the Column Resizer, this feature is a powerful tool to tweak the table exactly as you wish.

Changing the Column Order

Every user that has access to the table, is able to change the order of the column on the table. To change the position of a column, simply click on a table header and drag it to the left or right and drop it before or after another column. Once you released the header, the new order of columns is directly stored as your personal preference.

Resetting the personal preferences

When the column order preference is different than the stored settings for the table, you can reset the preferences to go back to the default ordering. Click on the Screen Options button on the top right of the screen and click on 'Reset column order'. The page will automatically refresh once the settings are restored.

Set as default for all users (Admin only)

When you have the capability to manage the columns in Admin Columns, you can store the changes made to the column on the table (width and order) as the default for the current column set. Open the Screen Options and click on the 'Save Settings' button. You'll need to confirm that you want to set the changes as a default.

Disabling the Column Order feature

Column ordering is enabled by default. You can disable this feature per column set on the setting page in the 'Toggle Elements' section.

Programmatically disabling Column Order

The hook `acp/table/column_order/active` allows you to toggle this feature programmatically for specific column sets and/or user (roles). ( examples )

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