How to upgrade the ACF integration from v2 to v3

In the Advanced Custom Field integration for Admin Columns Pro version 3, there are some major changes. The most important change in the new version is that every field now has its own column Type. This complete rewritten integration was necessary to create the support for ACF Clone, Group, and, repeater field. If you're still on version 2 and thinking about updating, there are some things regarding the updates to be aware of.

Automatic Updates

When using the automatic update for the integrations, all the old ACF columns are automatically converted to the new ACF column types. When you have stored the column settings in your database (default behavior) this will work just fine and you can continue working on your website without noticing any differences.

When you're using Local Storage and the settings are locked because 'write mode' is disabled, the update script will not be able to update old columns to their new version. In this case, the columns are mapped on the fly when you visit the table page, but you still need to update the settings manually to convert the old columns to the new ones. Displaying the value for those mapped columns will be the same as before, but some features will not be available until you migrated the columns to the new version.

Manually updating the old columns

If the automatic update was not able to migrate the v2 columns to the new version, you can easily migrate the columns yourself in the column settings. On the column settings page, there will be a notice that the set contains at least one old ACF column. Click the button in order to replace/migrate all the old ACF columns to the new version.

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